
Art on the Blockchain

Collection of Digital Mesh Paintings

Tezos Collection: 90 blocks
90 block: Collection of artworks. Created in VR and Blender 3D, experimenting with square sections of digital perforated mesh and digital paint strokes.

Above: 90 blocks 119 Meshscapes (opaque structure).

Tezos Collection: NFTaverse
NFTaverse: Collection of mesh painting artworks. Created in VR and Blender 3D, experimenting with sections of digital perforated mesh and digital paint strokes.

Above: Assemble 002.

Exchange (SOL) Collection: Circular Mesh Paintings
Circular Mesh Paintings: Collection of mesh painting artworks. Created in VR and Blender 3D, experimenting with sections of digital perforated mesh and digital paint strokes.

Above: Circular Mesh Painting 006.